Sunday, October 30, 2011

Digitizing Old Film Videos


This project is done. It was done maybe 3 weeks ago. Maybe a month now. Capturing a bunch of VHS, Hi8-8mm, and MiniDV tapes, unto the digital era. Sometimes I still use the Hi8 just because I like how the video quality is. All I need to finish up too now are to continue scanning a bunch of old 35mm film photos, mostly from a shoe box and family photo albums that are falling apart. I was thinking, what if 2012 is really an accurate predictions from the incas calendar as a world's end. I just had to preserve them all man. From old films, to old 35mm photos. Just don't plan on placing me in a mental institution yet though.. because regardless to that, I really need to preserve them digitally, whenever possible.

Anyways, If you also wanted to preserve your old film videos digitally, I would recommend El Gato Video Capture. It's pretty easy to use. But only works on the latest Mac or PC.

Here is a sample video. It's been taken from a low light but it's vivid enough to watch them on my computer. They can be burned on DVDs too and then watch them on your HDTV and whatever. But to me, I intended them to be watched on my computer and on my iPhone, or to be uploaded in Facebook or Youtube.

Here is another sample of me playing Black Ops - Nazi Zombies. I haven't played this game lately so level 9 is the farthest I've been for this video. I'll post more later, to document my progress. Kinda dark, only because it's been uploaded online, and the game itself is dark. The original video is much clearer.

Music Studio Racks

It's been a long while now.. I guess that would make it 5 or 6 years of me doing this music productions. Which started out doing track layering of loops from Gargeband with my first apple laptop computer. The G4 iBook. And then decided to go a little further. And a bit more further. Until the creative process is pretty close where I wanted to be. But then, to me.. it doesn't really matter how creative the tracks are if the sound quality is poor. Therefore, I research online about sound processing. My family have this stereo since the mid 80's and it has these racks with pretty similar fashion compared to my family stereo. Treble, Bass, and the EQs is nothing new, it's what I used to mess around with when recording mixtapes back then. So I took that same concept and hopefully they'll work the same way when I do produce and record tracks. These would be my studio racks.

So far I got these three.

Presonus Amplifier - it has all the basic needs.

Bass Amplifier.


Just waiting for another one which would be this one here..
A Compressor.

rack cabinet
And then this Rack Cabinet. This would go on top of my desk. Then cables of course. Even an outlet strip.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

35mm Canon Sprint Photos


I finally had the advantages to test my canon sprint 35mm point & point camera. Getting it developed still a pain in my wallet but these results are well worth the surprise. Got it developed at Walgreens, same place where I got the film. And so far so good. I'll definitely be using this camera for other things, other than events. If I happened to be out taking pictures, this camera will also be going with me.














Abdi Farah - Work of Art, Season One

Just found out about the show titled work of art: the next great artist two days ago from Entertainment Magazine. And just finished watching the whole episodes season one through youtube.

Congratulation to Abdi Farah. I like how he took black charcoals to another level.








Wednesday, October 5, 2011

RIP - Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs, February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011



The first computer I ever work on was of a Macintosh back in my 7th grade 1986, at Quimby Oak Middle School. San Jose, California. It had the floppy disk I first thought it was a small vinyl record inside of it. It was a fun computer. Made rockets out of the text and then print them out on papers. It could of been a PC too, but I do remember an Apple sign.


Again, what is up with number 5. Banks starts charging 5 bucks as well. It's funny how the world works sometimes in it's own rules. I was just tex writing my "private journal rants" in my iPone (instead of yelling it on someones face) about the difference between Eagles and Pigeons in my own opinions. And Mr. Steve Jobs is what I consider one of the eagles, along side with Bob Marley. That same day while at Rasputin record store, my second cousin Mike G told me Steve Jobs just passed away. Pancreas Cancer it is. Dammit I will never have the opportunity to see the man on stage. I wanted to work for Apple years before as a Quality Assurance Tech but I cant stand office politics. Actually, I never really pushed in to it. I am just a hardcore Apple user today.

May you rest in peace man…
