These are where I be doing patrols at. Sometimes I drive and most of the time I do a lot of walking. Right now, I am stationed to two different places...
They said it's a twin engine plane. It could be one of the twin engine jet planes that most rockstars use for flying. Which are a little bigger than a single engine plane, with a propeller. The first thing that came to mind when it was mentioned that it was Texas, and that the building was an IRS angency, was the home grown mellisias or perhaps just a coincedental accident. It can't be from a islamist extemist groups because those soldiers usually targets areas with lots of people around or within an area. But then small planes crashes most of the time, ducks and pigeons usually gets sucked inside the plane's engines, or smashed itself to the plane's windshield.
Is it valentine today or yesterday or tomorrow...? Sometimes it's hard to tell when having shifts on mixed days, from swings, mornings, and graves. No I ain't complaining here, so far so good, and I am satisfied with the off times. Plenty of time to do music and other things that needs to get done. Never the less, as a security officer, there are always that common concerns. I will blog a small glimpse of where I am stationed later. Not too much details for safety reasons (only) and privacy of the clients. One station is only 5 minutes away from where I live. The other is in a different city but it's the closest city from mine. Pretty cool and luxurious, almost like going on a hike in the woods, along with electronic motors and peacefull residents...
Anyway, I posted this video yesterday in youtube. I really dig how it is composed, and it has cool rhythm. Pretty classy. Good for sampling. The only thing is that, I have no idea what the title of this track is. The album is in Japanese...
This could be my last blog for now, but then I realized I need to keep track to some informations on this page. So mind as well keep it. Speaking of what are needed, I got hooked up of being productive again (tax). Thanks to a Godson whose been in the same company for two years. Hopefully I can save up for the other things I need. And among other things. (like rent).
I showed my guard card, got interviewed, took a four hours test, and got me the badge. I even got pulled over by a cop on my way there.
And these are the uniform. My feet were sore, felt really tired, had a head ache, but I had enough sleep to regain my senses, and ready for the next shift.
I'm blogging pretty much about everything. Even to the most silliest things. So please "do not" take some of my opinions, journals, reports, and researches too seriously or act unto something destructive due to what you gathered from Wasabi Sandwich. I'm just a blogger and I do not intend for anyone to follow what I blog about. Unless for positive purposes - like maybe buying my music later. Consider my warning as a disclaimer.