You better watch out You better not cry Better not pout I'm telling you why Santa Claus is coming to town He's making a list And checking it twice; Gonna find out Who's naughty and nice Santa Claus is coming to town He sees you when you're sleeping He knows when you're awake He knows if you've been bad or good So be good for goodness sake! O! You better watch out! You better not cry Better not pout I'm telling you why Santa Claus is coming to town Santa Claus is coming to town
Finally got the time to get one of my own. Some emo kids plays this instrument like playing Tetris. The Nintendo Gameboy Console is around 58 bucks, I could of gotten one around 20 bucks but some has missing parts like the battery cover and has scratched up screens. Mind as well go a little higher and get something a little more descent. All listed from, my trusted online shopping for me than eBay so far. Maybe I just don't trust bidding much in eBay, I have a feeling I am trying to bid out the sellers themselves using different accounts. Although I would use eBay or Craigslist for selling products.
LSDJ Cartridge is around 100 bucks. Didn't came with a manual so I'm gonna search that out, and save the hustle of potentially breaking it before ending up buying another console. I'll try to post what I can make out of it later. I'm gonna mix it up a bit with other sound gears, so it's not completely all 8 bit to 16 bit sounds, sometimes it has that broken bells or broken glass sounds, which I don't like much. Depends on the track your working on I guess.
The Cart. Got this few days ago. Cost around 100 bucks.
Today, I got me these... other box is for my old school Playstation. It's a power cord. I like Street Fighter 2 series. I was suck at it back in community college days at Evergreen Valley College cafeteria. So just in case I come across with some old rivals, like the Quangs and the Nguyens, I've been practicing.
So far so good.
And there it is. Screen doesn't have scratches, the buttons looks good, and I like the color.
Battery Cover is attached. And I am 100% satisfied. I hope it works though.
Wow I haven't post in a while. I just realized I missed September and November. There's so much to write, I even forgot how to write properly... damn. Here is something I posted from Faceboook. My 20 best Movie Fight Scenes. I'll gather up my thoughts for later, and write.
I'm blogging pretty much about everything. Even to the most silliest things. So please "do not" take some of my opinions, journals, reports, and researches too seriously or act unto something destructive due to what you gathered from Wasabi Sandwich. I'm just a blogger and I do not intend for anyone to follow what I blog about. Unless for positive purposes - like maybe buying my music later. Consider my warning as a disclaimer.