I went up to the hills shooting some shit monsters with nice shoes!!!
Naaaah… Me and Ralph (relative), went to the outdoor range to give my new WASR 10 a fire test. It's a Romanian AK47. A semi-auto. Base from reading reviews through the internet and watching YouTube post about the WASR 10, I think it may be designed for slow firing single shots only. Rather than rapid firing. It can't really function like the real Russian AK47, where it can take any type of 7.62x39 ammo, and any brand of AK 47 magazines. It can also be fired rapidly, to full auto, and to auto burst (usually 3 shots per trigger squeezed). I use to have a Bulgarian version and it has no jamming issues at all, as far of rapid firing. Anyway, the first shot of my WASR 10/AK47 went off smoothly, but the second one jammed. Like 2 cartridges going in the chamber at the same time. I fixed that, and the rest went smoothly. No jamming whatsoever. I sorta fired slow since my focused next was fixing the site. I also brought my brother's 9mm Beretta. I didn't score much that day, I just got off from a grave shift, sorta tired, and unfocused, but I'm satisfied the WASR 10 fires pretty smooth.

WASR 10 (romanian AK47)
For some targets, several empty milk jogs filled with water (or colored liquid), and cheap soda cans. The range has their own tin cans (used), but we brought our own. All you gotta do is singed in, write down your license plate number, and pay $15.00 per person ($7.50 for youths 17 and under) per day. @ Los Altos Rod & Gun Club.