Sunday, May 1, 2011

Osama Bin Laden - Dead

May 1st, 2011. As I went to the kitchen between my sleep before going to work. My family were watching CNN. The television screen shows a live footage of the White House (night time), and at the bottom screen is says "PRESIDENT OBAMA CONFIRMED OSAMA BIN LADEN IS DEAD" it was written something like that. There it is again, what's with numero cinco man.

Bin Laden ruft angeblich zum Kampf für den Irak auf
Osama Bin Laden

May 2nd, 2011. My own opinion. I give props to the Navy Seals. But what if the Pakistanis or foreign Islamic Community done it themselves? Then again, whichever sides killed him, don't make much of a difference. The terrorists attacks regardless, if they see an opening. Justice man. Justice is what matters for now.

And... proof please? Because throwing the body at the deep sea, seems too fishy a size of a smelly dead whale for the public.

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