It started out just to avoid the janitor from work before clocking out in the morning. The guy would grunts while I am writing my reports (security guard). And the worst part, bangs garbage cans and keeps on dropping plastic cups to paper cups. Sounds really irritating. I tried talking to him to maybe not to bang stuff too much, but the janitor is def. I don't want to get close to him either, and tap his shoulder. He sorta looks like a giant Gremlin or that one farmer possessed by alien cockroach from the movie Men in Black part one. I suspect he knows I'm getting irritated by it. In fact, I don't even think his def at all. Well what ever he is. I don't like it. So I use my studio headphone with earplugs in my ears before I clock out. Thats when these audio collections come to play. As I listened to my the tracks, I notice I needed some upgrade to my iPhone tracks. So I dig through my CD collections and planned to only import few CDs to my MacBookPro's iTunes, and make few playlists. Playlist for my truck, to listen to while driving. And playlists for my iPhone's iPod, to listen to at some stores or when walking at the park. But since I can't really make up my mind which CDs to use. I decided to just import my whole collections of CDs (around 300). Most of the CDs though are of my brothers. R&B, Pop, and Gansta Rap from the 90's. There are several classics, that I like. Bands like the Cool and The Gang, The Jets, Troop, even Baby Face. In fact some of that collection, I can probably use as samples later on, to add them unto my beat. I usually start from scratch with synthesizers, but why not give some of that a shot later on (sampling). Most of the collections I had, I sold away to Streetlight Record and Rasputin back in 2001 when I was broke. From Tapes to CDs mostly SKA, Reggae, Electronicas, Classic Pop, Alternatives.. Not much of a Rap music fan. I did like typical hip-hop though like the Wu-Tangs, Outkasts, Beastie Boys, as well as Method Man, Afrika Bambaataa, Rage Against the Machine, Cypress Hills, and so on and so forth. Anything that B-Boys can dance unto mostly. My little brother's Dirty South Crunk Rap collections isn't so bad either. Rappers like Trillville, Lil Scrappy, and Cash Money Millionaires. Almost funny how they are aloud to take over the radio. Like Hill Billy Farmers slash Pirates, sounding like the Pantera slash Prodigy of Rap Music, than the typical Low Rider Gangsta West-Coast Style Rap Music.
Okay, now back to the collection project. Since I am sorta poor at the moment. Most of my collections will be used and cheap. Maybe few new once but that I'll do by downloading them in iTunes (cheaper). Most likely, I be buying them in CDs later on when it gets old. Therefore, collecting Cassette Tapes is a must. Plus Cassette Tapes I can digitally convert unto Wav to MP3 files. The rest are LPs and of course CDs. No 8 tracks.

Oh man… time flies… lol! I felt like a kid at a candy shop the last time I went to Streetlight Records and Rasputin. Along with my cousin (Jay-Z fan). Bought me several used CDs and Cassette Tapes in a short amount of time. 7 CDs and 7 Cassette Tapes.
Some cool audio cassette tape collections from Youtube. I be happy recording some of it unto MP3 files all day.
Like I said, I will collect some. But not to the point like how this man does to his 8 track collections. Worth visiting his collections and thats about it. I think his from the Bay Area.
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