Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Earthships - Biotecture

Michael Reynolds is an Architect from the 70's who evolved building from recyclable items unto a self sustainable home called Earthships. He created the alternative word Biotecture to describe: "The profession of designing buildings and environments with consideration for their sustainability. A combination of biology and architecture." The houses he built are out of a Star Wars movie, except it's an actual breathing organic home as well as technological. It is a building that will take care of you in every way: food (year round green house), electricity, heating, water, air and sewage disposal.

It was shown earlier on the Travel Channel today. Utility bills cost only $200 a year or to none. Buying an earthship cost a lot though man, around half a million. They do have an alternative deal for $10,000 down payment. Other than the cost, there is a progress here, as far of saving the planet from global warming. Michael Reynolds has a movie out titled Garbage Warrior, he also has some books out, and has a community in New Mexico where he makes earthships and sells it. There are houses like these in Mexico too and Philippines (mud houses). Except they have no solar systems and clean recycable water system.

Tin cans, bottles, and tires were used as bricks for the earthship's foundations. If I have one, I'll probably add an animal farm too, like: goats, pigs, chickens, cows, and even lamas. The only downside of having animal farm is the bad smell. Like cow farts. And of course the medicines and food supplies for them farm animals.

Here is their website:

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