Thursday, August 20, 2009
Facebook Account
I know Facebook is supposed to be more serious and mature than Myspace, but in a way I still think it's pretty much the same as Myspace. More like people from Friendster moved to Myspace and then back to Friendster again, but newer. Because it does has PBS and all that. Plus you can upload good quality photos. Unlike in Myspace where the photo quality looks a bit shady. I still think Blogging Networks are a little more pure to me, beside the advertisements to make something out of it. Which sometimes loses the essence of it. But money is always good. So I place a serious looking profile photo with a suit and tie. It ain't me though, haha. Soon or later, everyone will be blogging.

Monday, August 17, 2009
District 9
You may not want to read this if you don't want me to spoil it for you - but I'm gonna go ahead and blog about the best movie I've seen this year. Critics rated this movie pretty good. Usually a good movie is rated "C" but this one was rated an "A-". Convincing enough I guess. I'm predicting it's gonna take home some movie awards or at least people's choice award. Watching the movie, you never expect this one annoying dude that typically dies first in sci-fi flicks would be the leading character. You hate him first, you wanna see him get all messed up, but then later, you start to root for the dude. Another cool thing is that the aliens (also called prawns) has human like personalities, but they don't look anything human. They look like giant prawns. More like the underdeveloped human fly from the movie The Fly. I say they took some part of the movie The Fly. The aliens were also rude, brutal, and very grumpy, which was sort of funny. But they weren't the bad guys, the humans were. Typically most aliens in films wanted to take over planet earth, these aliens stays in a Johannesburg squatter community in South Africa as refugees (district 9), and they were badly treated by both the government and the locals. There were no peaceful negotiations whatsoever about exchanging intelligence between the aliens and human scientists. It was all about not being welcomed, harsh conditions, secret weapons, and battles between mean soldiers and ghetto ass voodoo gangs who were fighting to hunt down an alien infected human specimen. Overall I gave it a "B". I like the alien weapons, the nasty looking biological alien labs, the story, and the acting. Plus it wasn't Hollywood, the casts were very much like regular folks. And I wish the movie was a bit longer. Can't wait for District 10.

The theater's ticket. It's an old smelly theater, I wouldn't recommend it for dating. There are a lot of new theaters around the area, like the malls but this one is cool for going solo...
You may not want to read this if you don't want me to spoil it for you - but I'm gonna go ahead and blog about the best movie I've seen this year. Critics rated this movie pretty good. Usually a good movie is rated "C" but this one was rated an "A-". Convincing enough I guess. I'm predicting it's gonna take home some movie awards or at least people's choice award. Watching the movie, you never expect this one annoying dude that typically dies first in sci-fi flicks would be the leading character. You hate him first, you wanna see him get all messed up, but then later, you start to root for the dude. Another cool thing is that the aliens (also called prawns) has human like personalities, but they don't look anything human. They look like giant prawns. More like the underdeveloped human fly from the movie The Fly. I say they took some part of the movie The Fly. The aliens were also rude, brutal, and very grumpy, which was sort of funny. But they weren't the bad guys, the humans were. Typically most aliens in films wanted to take over planet earth, these aliens stays in a Johannesburg squatter community in South Africa as refugees (district 9), and they were badly treated by both the government and the locals. There were no peaceful negotiations whatsoever about exchanging intelligence between the aliens and human scientists. It was all about not being welcomed, harsh conditions, secret weapons, and battles between mean soldiers and ghetto ass voodoo gangs who were fighting to hunt down an alien infected human specimen. Overall I gave it a "B". I like the alien weapons, the nasty looking biological alien labs, the story, and the acting. Plus it wasn't Hollywood, the casts were very much like regular folks. And I wish the movie was a bit longer. Can't wait for District 10.

The theater's ticket. It's an old smelly theater, I wouldn't recommend it for dating. There are a lot of new theaters around the area, like the malls but this one is cool for going solo...
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Family Stereo System

We had this back in 1988. I used to scratch to the spinner on this stereo system when I was 14, with no mixer. We have fun memories with this stereo system man. Now it's in the list for a garage sale. Still works good. It has CD player and everything. Our first CDs were Faster Pussy Cat, Fine Young Cannibals, Madona, and Michael Jackson's Bad Album. My grandfather were the one who ordered our first CDs. I was like damn grandpa where did you get these? He says it was some free or a bargain ad from Reader's Digest Magazine. Fine Young Cannibals has some cool ass beat man. My siblings and little cousins used to dance to Michael Jackson music - We gottem on videos but I don't think they'll be happy if I post them in Youtube. Faster Pussy Cat somehow lead me to heavy metals back in my freshman year of high school, and then to Mitallica, Pantera, and then to the more classic heavy metal like Iron Maiden. Specially Iron Maiden's Iconic Character named Eddie. He was a cool character to draw back in the late 80's.

The Dubbing Deck. This is where all my mixtaped magic happened. I did mixtaped to impressed some girls and for driving to school and work. I still like the clicking, rewinding and forwarding sound to it. I understand things are more digital now, and so easy to just load up mp3 files to an iPod. My bro says "It's time to move on man, things are a lot more compact and advance now." I was like "Whaaaat? ...your telling me about what's new?" To me analogs are just more authentic. And vintage designs are in, and always. Don't get me wrong now, because I do like things that are new too. It's about the memory man. Memory is the soul...

My first Recording Limiter.

Speaking of moving forward, I am keeping the Spinner from the Stereo System. So alright, the sound volume may not work well without the amplifier - but I still gonna keep it. One thing that I know of, the design are now being used.
STATIX's Good Snacks

I know its soooo asian. As a kid I used to die for these chips back in the Philippines. Here it cost under $1.50 at the local asian market, where at 711 Doritos and Onion Rings cost 5 to 6 bucks. I got these for snacks while getting busy in my music station. It ain't healthy tho, it has high sodium. What I should be having is some baby carrots and celeries. I do get them apples and tomatoes straight from the backyard, and just place them on my desks - I might need a fruit basket but that would look too damn gay man.
Bio-Ship Paladin
X-Box console modified with Avalaunch loaded with classic games from Atari, Nintendo, Sega, and X-Box. Here is a quick demo of one of my favorite soundtracks.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Highlighting Session - MicroX

I got the Micro-X list all printed up, now I'm just narrow it down by highlighting the once that sounds cool...

Here are my best two fans, Tiki and Sake lounging along with the beat.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
First of all I am not superstitious, I believe in facts and scientific reasons for most things. Do I believe in God? Sure I do. I actually grew up in a strong Catholic background and baptized as a born again Christian. I wouldn't say I am a backslider either, I just keep it real and be a human being. Hoping I am excepted the way I am created. There were points in my life questioning my faith but then later down the road, it makes a lot of sense. Not just Christian wise but what I learned from other beliefs and philosophies. Now, what in the hell is this has to do with storage? Well, a few things. Maybe more. But things are somehow working on it's own as if something is arranging things around. Some I thought it's not going the way I want it. But then, I paused about what I want and think outside of my own box, and realized it's actually better. Not just for me but everyone.

Few days back, right before I was almost done listing all my favorite patches of drum kits, vocals, modulations, drum patterns, and etc., from my Micro-X synthesizer. I planned to buy a binder and some plastic covers for the prints. Took me awhile to list the best once because there were over a thousand patches, and not only that, I listened to every each of them. I actually experiment and jam to almost every each patches, both straight from the keys and the knobs, and hooking it to my MPC midis. My feet were even sore standing in front of the keyboard from jamming. Anyway, about the plastic cover sheets, I went to Walgreens to buy some but they only had binders and not the plastic sheet covers. So I went to the storage room in the backyard and look for some. I used to collect a bunch of graphics from magazines, rip the pages off, and place them in plastic sheet covers all clipped up in binders. I used them for a reference doing graphic arts or getting ideas from. Some were old so I threw them away and use what is needed.

As I was looking through the binders, I also found this Recipe Binder which I was planning in keeping it handy. I've been obsessed writing recipes lately. It could be a survival mode thing.

And I also found this Black & Decker Booklet.

I even forgot I had this. I don't play this. But I did kept it for a reference in making characters, perhaps for the video gaming industry. I didn't really had the time to work on that portfolio then. But now I'm gonna keep this handy as well.

Old comic strips I was working on back in 1996 but never finished. I was trying to get that same essence of Frank Miller's style for his Comic or Graphic Novel "Sin City".

Here's another page. I probably wouldn't work on a Comic or Graphic Novel down the road. Maybe some illustrations using a Digital Sketch Pad, which is much cleaner for me to work on later. Right now there are way too much shit to be focused on to that.

Specially now, for economic advantages, my little bro (Venus) and his lady Elsie are moving back to the house. Venus has some expensive fancy looking appliances and the dude rented a storage room for them. And I know we had to get rid of few things from the house in order to make room for their things. There are few things in the backyard I can live without, like the backyard gym - for now I rather go biking around the hood and do push ups in my room. And few things I can live without in the storage like my old macintosh, now collectible item. But really I just wanted to use the old macintosh to write stories and journals with no worries of being hacked or spied on while working on them. Beside we might need some of them fancy appliances in the backyard for cutting meat or for oysters and beers. The other two roommates moved near by The Great Mall where they work.

It's not a toy, as playful like this playground here, right in front of Venus' and Elsie's apartment. I kept some of my things for later needs. Like my art supplies, specially my easel maaan. I might need that when I'm like 80 years old for painting a nude lady. Actually, you never know when you need some of the things you stored in the closets. You never know when little kids pop out of no where and you had to pass on what my little sister and bro had when they were little. It's just me, I know what it's like having less. In the other hand, since there just there, mind as well sell them or donate them to who ever needs them more than we do at the moment. I tend to like my area clean too, but then I also know about preservation.

This here is their apartment. I say they can save more staying at the house if they want to get a bigger house later. Daamn man, it's gonna be some work again trying to separate my own things from the storage. I don't have a lot. I'm just concerned where to place my own things.

All these things going on, specially since the place I applied as a mobile patrol man haven't called yet, makes me wanna cook something. Here is what I recently cooked - It's Curry Goat. Perhaps I have better chances elsewhere as a security guard aside being a mobile patrol man anyway.
The Ingredients:
*Around 8 pounds - Goat Ribs / Back Bones / Some Meat (remove the fat)
*1/8 Cup - Curry Powder
*2 Tsp - Ground Pepper
*10 Cloves - Garlic (minced)
*1 Whole - Onions (diced)
*10 Thin - Carrots (chopped unto 3)
*6 - Bay Leafs
*1 Can - Coconut Milk
*6 Glass - Water (or more, eyeball it)
*5 - Ripe Tomatoes
*1/8 Cup - Fish Sauce (or go for the taste)
*1 Tbsp - Oil
Cut the meat and bones - remove the fat - use a mallet to hammer the meat cleaver to cut through bones. Minced the garlic, cubed the onions - drop that to the cooking pot with a little bit of oil. Add in the meat, a little bit of ground pepper, and bay leafs - let it fry a little, place the lid. Add in some fish sauce, and curry powder. Wait for that to cook a little bit, and then add in coconut milk and water. Make sure to add lots of water to make the meat soft - takes about an hour and a half till the meat are soft and tender - and then add in the carrots and tomatoes. When the carrots are soft - it's done.
I heard it's more Caribbean or Jamaican if it has more water, and Arabic or East Indian if it was thicker...

Few days back, right before I was almost done listing all my favorite patches of drum kits, vocals, modulations, drum patterns, and etc., from my Micro-X synthesizer. I planned to buy a binder and some plastic covers for the prints. Took me awhile to list the best once because there were over a thousand patches, and not only that, I listened to every each of them. I actually experiment and jam to almost every each patches, both straight from the keys and the knobs, and hooking it to my MPC midis. My feet were even sore standing in front of the keyboard from jamming. Anyway, about the plastic cover sheets, I went to Walgreens to buy some but they only had binders and not the plastic sheet covers. So I went to the storage room in the backyard and look for some. I used to collect a bunch of graphics from magazines, rip the pages off, and place them in plastic sheet covers all clipped up in binders. I used them for a reference doing graphic arts or getting ideas from. Some were old so I threw them away and use what is needed.

As I was looking through the binders, I also found this Recipe Binder which I was planning in keeping it handy. I've been obsessed writing recipes lately. It could be a survival mode thing.

And I also found this Black & Decker Booklet.

I even forgot I had this. I don't play this. But I did kept it for a reference in making characters, perhaps for the video gaming industry. I didn't really had the time to work on that portfolio then. But now I'm gonna keep this handy as well.

Old comic strips I was working on back in 1996 but never finished. I was trying to get that same essence of Frank Miller's style for his Comic or Graphic Novel "Sin City".

Here's another page. I probably wouldn't work on a Comic or Graphic Novel down the road. Maybe some illustrations using a Digital Sketch Pad, which is much cleaner for me to work on later. Right now there are way too much shit to be focused on to that.

Specially now, for economic advantages, my little bro (Venus) and his lady Elsie are moving back to the house. Venus has some expensive fancy looking appliances and the dude rented a storage room for them. And I know we had to get rid of few things from the house in order to make room for their things. There are few things in the backyard I can live without, like the backyard gym - for now I rather go biking around the hood and do push ups in my room. And few things I can live without in the storage like my old macintosh, now collectible item. But really I just wanted to use the old macintosh to write stories and journals with no worries of being hacked or spied on while working on them. Beside we might need some of them fancy appliances in the backyard for cutting meat or for oysters and beers. The other two roommates moved near by The Great Mall where they work.

It's not a toy, as playful like this playground here, right in front of Venus' and Elsie's apartment. I kept some of my things for later needs. Like my art supplies, specially my easel maaan. I might need that when I'm like 80 years old for painting a nude lady. Actually, you never know when you need some of the things you stored in the closets. You never know when little kids pop out of no where and you had to pass on what my little sister and bro had when they were little. It's just me, I know what it's like having less. In the other hand, since there just there, mind as well sell them or donate them to who ever needs them more than we do at the moment. I tend to like my area clean too, but then I also know about preservation.

This here is their apartment. I say they can save more staying at the house if they want to get a bigger house later. Daamn man, it's gonna be some work again trying to separate my own things from the storage. I don't have a lot. I'm just concerned where to place my own things.

All these things going on, specially since the place I applied as a mobile patrol man haven't called yet, makes me wanna cook something. Here is what I recently cooked - It's Curry Goat. Perhaps I have better chances elsewhere as a security guard aside being a mobile patrol man anyway.
The Ingredients:
*Around 8 pounds - Goat Ribs / Back Bones / Some Meat (remove the fat)
*1/8 Cup - Curry Powder
*2 Tsp - Ground Pepper
*10 Cloves - Garlic (minced)
*1 Whole - Onions (diced)
*10 Thin - Carrots (chopped unto 3)
*6 - Bay Leafs
*1 Can - Coconut Milk
*6 Glass - Water (or more, eyeball it)
*5 - Ripe Tomatoes
*1/8 Cup - Fish Sauce (or go for the taste)
*1 Tbsp - Oil
Cut the meat and bones - remove the fat - use a mallet to hammer the meat cleaver to cut through bones. Minced the garlic, cubed the onions - drop that to the cooking pot with a little bit of oil. Add in the meat, a little bit of ground pepper, and bay leafs - let it fry a little, place the lid. Add in some fish sauce, and curry powder. Wait for that to cook a little bit, and then add in coconut milk and water. Make sure to add lots of water to make the meat soft - takes about an hour and a half till the meat are soft and tender - and then add in the carrots and tomatoes. When the carrots are soft - it's done.
I heard it's more Caribbean or Jamaican if it has more water, and Arabic or East Indian if it was thicker...
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