And then the kid's mother came out. The mother was looking for the dog's owner, but the kid was hurt. So I had to pick up the long metal pole again, and gave a sign language to my neighbor to call 911. Now I had to guard the mother and the kid following the mother as she knocks on the house's door where the attacked happened. But no one was answering. She says their dogs shouldn't be out on the street. I wanna tell her that she should go back in the house with her kid, because I don't think it's a good idea to be around them dogs. Finally, the mother and the kid went back to their house. And I ran back in my house. I left the oven on.
Then a white van appeared. A middle age blonde lady came out of the van and picked up the two dogs. The kid called her mother back out, and the mother ran out on the street to stop the van right in the middle of the road. I yelled at the other neighbor to write her plate number down. Two of them neighbor ran back out with a pen and paper. The lady in the van yelled at the kid's mother to "Get off the way you indian lady!!!" She was probably a racist bible fanatical middle age lady, because she was also cursing out Jesus' name. The cops and animal control service came by in about 20 minutes later.
Anyway, I told my mother what happened and she got mad. She says it was stupid and I should of left it alone, because I didn't have any medical insurance. That's very true...
The dogs might of been pit-bulls. But Elsie, my bro's lady says she saw the same dog earlier and believed they were Brindle. I checked out the internet and indeed they were Bensenji Brindle. An African breed dogs, and they look a bit like pit-bulls but leaner. They are known not to bark which makes them deadly because it's hard to read them dogs when they are in attacking mode. And the way I saw them attack the poor black poodle today, they are very ferocious animals...

The father probably got off work early.

The cop about to ask the kid what happened.

The interrogation...

The city animal control officer wondering which hand was bitten. The kid has a cast on his left forearm.

I wonder what took these guys 20 minutes till they showed up.

I tried to capture the dogs but I shot the whole thing from the inside of the house through the window using a zoom lens. There was too much things I planned to do for the day as it is. And I got too tired too fast, I really need to get in shape.

Back to what I was doing, I think these fried chicken was a little too dry, all I added were salt and pepper, and deep fried them using peanut oil. The peanut oil is perfect for deep frying, plus you can store them for a reuse. And they do not splash. I was gonna use the backyard stove but the propane tanks needed refills.

Boiling water to blanch some sweet potato leaves from the backyard.

With some tomatoes also from the backyard.

All mixed together with a little bit of fish sauce.