Easter... And what does it really mean to me.
JOHN 3:16"For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only begotten son, that who ever believe unto him shall never parish, but have an ever lasting life..."The faith, believe that and you shall be saved, believe it in your trials and tribulations and you'll be more than okay. Don't believe and then ask why (but they happens), since you are already aware that God loves the world so much that he sent his one and only begotten son, to feel how to be human, to also suffer like a human being, and payed the ultimate sacrifice to save the world from sin. Believe that, and that would be the faith in Christianity. Stumbling blocks is also a part of the journey, the same way how the son was also tempted on his journey... Even the son himself asked God "Why father! Why have you forsaken me!!!" That was his last dying words before his journey to resurrection...
The son's preaching to me on this world, is to except the world as it is, but live it right, obey the laws of the lands, love your neighbor, love self, be human, spread the news, give thanksgiving (respect what you eat - respect your flock - or else), and hopefully the world will be easier to breath in. The turn the other cheek was just a humor that he made, it was not to be taken literally, the dude was just making jokes that when slapping someone from the palm of the hands first, why not use the back hand as well. It was basically answering the questions of his believers and crews when confronting the Roman authorities at the time, which is to turn the other cheek. Basically, meaning don't be afraid and be confident. I could be wrong, but thats what some historians says. And it makes sense to me either way.
Just look at how beautiful Mother is, she might have too much crazy offspring though, from snow monkeys, to chihuahuas, to black vultures, even to cool people like Pacman and Martha Stewart.

The son's real name is Yeshua by the way... And it's about the gospels man just to get that straight. There is the Son, the Father, and the Holy Spirit. And of course, in my native ancient belief, there's also the Mother Earth...