Here are the boxes already opened from yesterday.

First box would be the Gameboy Gray, all bubbled wrapped.

Inside the bubble wrap, is this geeky looking' black with purple striped fanny pack type bag. Probably from the 80s as well.

Inside that bag are these. Gameboy with some games and accessories. All functioning right, it sounds good, and it's used but still looks new. Came with 4 games: Tetris, Mortal Kombat II, Urban Strike, and Killer Instinct. Played them all, even with my Gameboy Advance, and it's all good. There are only 3 game guides, the one for Tetris is missing. Then there's this charger also. I think it's a charger. Although it is collectable item now, and they can go up to 500 bucks if it's brand new, but I order this not for playing games, but for musical purposes. An instrument called LSDJ (cartridge u can get online for 100 bucks). I've purchased a Gameboy Color before this, but I barely see whats going on in the screen, making me order another one. I doodled around to it already, I just need to take few tutorials before I go any further to it. Because man, this may seem like a toy, but it can really make some awesome 8-bit sounds. Even as samples from the games itself. What this Gameboy needs to complete as a functional instrument are to sync it with other instruments like: This Is Not A Bomb with TR-808 Drum Machines or any of them Roland TR Series Drum Machines. Even Korg Electribe EMX-1.
A sample video syncing it with "This Is Not A Bomb" and "Korg Electribe EMX-1."
LINKS source of syncing LSDJ:
Now to my next box, which I also opened yesterday…

It's a new microphone. I usually use my Edirol R-09 when recording live sounds.. Now, I got me a C-1 Studio Condenser Microphone. I'm going to use it to record acoustics (simple chords), percussions, random objects that can produce sounds I like, and for vocals <--- I have few teenage cousins that can flow rhymes and they say they wanted to be big as MCs someday. So I say, alright. I'm just a hobbyist, but I do have the basic gears that most Hip-Hop producers has, and we'll see where that goes.

It came with a warranty and this thick plastic case with foams in them. I can always store it away whenever I want.

There it is, It's a lot cheaper than the one I was originally planned of ordering which was the MXL 990/991. Except C-1 has a better ratings, and good reviews. Plus like I said, it's also cheaper.. excellent bargain. Hopefully, dammit.

The Phantom Power for the Condenser Microphone.

The Microphone Table Stand with Pop Filter. Which I got a day before the two boxes arrived. This gear is going to be standing on my music lab's table. I'm still waiting for another cable that would be connected to my mixer. I'll try posting a video soon or later, of me recording some random instruments or objects etc… then lay those sounds to my MPC 1000 and make a track out of it...
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