What if Bicycles was is invented this year. Than it was in 1817. Everyone would be amaze by it. "Behold! the Bicycle… powered only with the Human Power.. That's right people.. no gas, no electric, not even steam!!! Just human energy!" All sold out from any local stores in a month. Maybe in a week. In a day? Just a year after being invented and then mass produced.
I was thinking about this three weeks ago till recently during my grave shift. There are several kids on BMX cruising by, regular folks doing early morning exercises with their mountain bikes, older people with their vintage cruiser bikes, and few road cyclers looking like slim chupacabras. Then I see motorcycles from japanese imports to american chopper bikes screaming like loud farts. And I thought what if there are bicycles just as fast than a motorcycle or even faster.
In three years, after bicycles are mass produced and sold out a year after it was invented, they would probably come up with an updated and more advance bicycle which is the "Bicycle Car". All men powered. Perhaps just as fast as regular car or even faster. That bicycle car would have the same type of concept as the Handcar.

The Bicycle Car would have battery operated starter (when starting at the stop lights - or needed advantages to rest - even as additional muscle as you paddle). And that battery was energized from a renewal energy, like the solar energy for instance. Perhaps it has four wheels or even five wheels. One driver, who also uses leg power, and two other humans as generator using arms or leg power. In twenty years, or maybe even less than that, the streets and freeways would be filled with nothing more than a man powered bicycle cars. Hopefully my words illustrates it enough about how that would look. I'll probably do that later.

Everyone would be looking fit, like people from China and Vietnam. Where they have evolve even more extreme about taking advantage of using a bicycle.
The rest of the bicycles would be the last to be invented. Backwards…. Bicycles like Racing Bicycles, Recumbent Bicycles, Mountain Bikes, Cruiser Bikes, BMX, Low Rider Bicycles and etc...

From The Bicycle Mechanic. So far, this is the only modern bicycle concept I have seen in the internet, since bicycle was invented in 1817 by a German Inventor named Karl Drais. Automobiles was invented after, around 1885. And it was powered by "steam" (hot coals). Then to gas, thats when it was mass produced in the 1900's. Because why sweat it when you can use gasoline.
One of my other favorite about bicycles is The Bamboo Bicycle Project, which is in Ghana Africa.
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