I was in my room, checking out the new iPhone I just bought, and then I heard screeching sound along with a loud familiar bang of a car being crumpled. And then an alarm went off. My family was eating dinner at the time, I already ate before them because I was planning of catching some sleep before my next shift at 12:00am. The accident happened around 9:30pm. So after I heard the accident, I went out and saw an SUV all flipped over on the side. I went back to the house and told my family to call 911. My brother went out in an instance because he recognized the sound of his car alarm.
The driver was of a hispanic woman and with a child. Like an infant. I was too tired to remember but I think the child was okay, the mother though was hurt (bleeding) but not in fatal condition. She manages to help her self out while the good samaritans from my hood came to her aid, by also helping her out of the car.

With all these stuff going on here, and I am sure they are all good people who ever that did helped. In the other hand, there's also a lot of money to be made here alone. I guess thats balance in a way (yin & yang), in a third world country it would take around a week or even longer for some real professional rescue. Now I am sorta concerned about my bro's insurance, we were just enjoying dinner...