RIP Corey Haim
This movie reminds me of some old friends from the 80's. Specially my old neighbor and The Boys Club. It was called The Boys Club back in the early 80's and then it turned unto The Boys and Girls Club. For some reason, I think it's more of a baby sitting place now, than summer camps type of program. Makes me wonder what is up with them other kids. It's the year 2010 now and still there's no flying cars. Just military type recruits from the streets and beyond. Most people don't have much of a choice I guess, certain skills belongs to the ones that can afford to buy uthorities and control over societies more and more, and some of them ain't really safe because their main skills are hustling, than producing adaptable creations. When it does comes to creations, a sample of that are fast and hybrid engine cars with no breaks. And does flies about 30 to 60 feet high from up above the freeways and landing to the roof tops of the trailer parks. I could be wrong though, these are just few things that I see and hear from the news, and my sarcastic opinions.
Other than that, The Lost Boys is an awesome movie. Makes me wanna go up to Santa Cruz and walks around like a vampire slayer around the boardwalk at midnight after reading some collectible comic books. Don't take this literally now, this is just a reminisces of my teen years.
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