I went to a junk yard the other day but they were closed. I probably went late or on the wrong day. I am recycling few old electronic stuff: my first Apple Mac Tower with the monitor but I kept the Hardrive and two RAM chips. I placed back the CD Drive. Also a broken stereo with them speakers, old school big scanner, old printer, a broken router, a broken Zip Drive. And few other stuff made with metals. I was going to sell them on eBay but who the hell are going to buy them in times like these. And on top of that they don't really work that good. I guess I'm feeling a little bad for recycling my first owned computer. The only things that I don't recycle or sell from now on are musical instruments.

On second thought, I probably not going to recycle my first Apple Mac Tower (pic above). I'll modify it later - and then "maybe" sale it on eBay with a higher price. Like this Mac
here, same model. But mine would have no bluetooth, no Internet, none of that stuff. Anything that will provide more privacy on writing personal journals and secret recipes.
Now that I am doing this blog thing, I may have to take my point & shoot camera along with me if I go somewhere. So I went and bought few batteries for my point & shoot camera, some gum, and dog food for my goat named Sake. I was going to use the recycling money on that, instead I used the money I got from the holidays which I was saving for a better day. My DSLR camera is a bit too big for me to carry around, so the point & shoot camera will do. Not a good quality one, for it sorta distort some peoples' heads like some digital cameras do. But it works well on animals and non-human stuff.
You may ask why I am doing this blog thing is because sometimes you just have to write things down. It's a good medium to improve your reading and writing skills. And to write progress of my music. Since I do not do live shows, the cyberspace are more comfortable for me to show my work. Sometimes I do look a little weird taking pictures and shit like that but hey man just don't think I have a disability if you see me taking pictures. I know this may sound cliché' but I am an artiiiisst. I probably not gonna take too much pictures unless if it's in a appropriate area that are worth using DLSR cameras. For instance, like a scenic view of the Golden Gate Bridge rather than inside a supermarket taking pictures of kidneys, livers, and guts.